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Many modern pagans celebrate or worship during 2 main types of holy times. Esbats and Sabbats. This is not to say that these are the only holy times as everyday is seen as sacred and unique. some pagans also practice by all of the Moon cycles, that is to say, New Moon, as it grows, when it is Full Moon, and even as it lessens and becomes, void of course.
Esbats: )O( - Did you know that there are 13 Full Moon Esbats in a calendar year? Most modern wiccans and pagans celebrate them together or as solitaries. They are powerful, spiritual times of the year. each one goes by many names, depending on pantheon or geographical location. They are each said to hold specific, magickal qualities.
A list of Moon Esbats coming soon.
Sabbats: Did you know that most Christian and popular holidays and customs are derived from ancient, pagan practices? Many modern wiccans and neo-pagans celebrate (8) eight holy days, while other practitioners give a nod of remembrance to only (4) four.
Samhain / Summer's End
= Halloween
Yule / Winter Solstice = Christmas : "Yule Tidings"
Imbolc = Groundhog Day / Candlemas / Festival Of Lights
Ostara / Oeastre = Easter
Beltane / May Day = May Day / May Eve
Litha / Midsummer / Summer Solstice = St. John's Day
/ "Mid Summer's Night Dream"
Lammas / Lughnassadh = Festival of the Green Corn /
Festival of Bread
Mabon / Autumn Equinox = Cornucopia / Wine Harvest
Sabbat Folklore & Spells
Imbolc: Lore HERE
Vernal Equinox: Lore HERE
Summer Solstice:~
Autumn Equinox:~
Sabbats (4):Divided into Quarters and Cross-Quarters. Four Greater Fire Festivals,. Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnassadh. The Equinoxes and Solstices (Lesser Sabbats)are sometimes celebrated quietly if at all by some pantheons.