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Why Use Wands?

Wands allow the user to feel connected with their surroundings and the Universe as a whole. It's the feel of it clutched between your fingers, the look of it, pointing up into the Heavens. It's a focal point for one's thoughts and intentions. Each material that it is made of has it's own properties and folklore, passed down to us from millenniums gone by.

If you believe in the wand and in your abilities to conjure, then you can. An incantation or spell is a prayer of sorts. We try with intent to create change. Usually drawing the power of the energy itself that is all around us in whatever form our own, intimate pantheon dictates. Some call the Source, some the Goddess, some Lord/Lady, some draw down the Moon Herself. The Source is powerful. Wielding it's power heedlessly is not wise.

Wand Wood Properties:


Willow: Willow is associated with the Moon, Water, the Feminine, and Springtime, therefore it is suitable for Imbolc, Ostara, and Beltane celebrations and rituals. IT IS especially suited for Lunar Esbat workings and also for creativity, enchantment, binding, and healing spells.

Witch Hazel: Witch Hazel is associated with protection, wishes, mental alertness, divination, healing, poetry and creativity. It is also used in handfasting ceremonies.

Wild Apple: Wild Apple Tree has close links with the Shaman, the Wisewoman and the Magician and used when undergoing magical transformation or Otherworld journeys. Also Linked to Avalon and reputed to be used for invoking the Faery Folk.

Oak: Oak is considered very sacred to the Celts and their name has even been linked as a derivative of duir (oak). It is associated attracting inspiration, wisdom and illumination, and Faery Folk. It can also invoke Cernunnos.

Birch: This sacred Celtic tree is also called Beth / Beith. It represents new beginnings such as Spring. It symbolizes rebirth, healing and fertility. Protective spells work well with Birch.

Maple: Lunar magick. Aids in clear thinking and clear communication workings. It enhances intellectual pursuits.

Alder: known as the warrior tree, its properties are strength, tenacity and determination.

Rowan: Known as Witch Tree it is used for protection and conjuring. It is also reputed to be a Faery Favorite. Used in Celtic traditions as well. The berries that form on the tree contain a pentagram.

Pine: Perfect for Yule / Winter Solstice Workings. For Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, & Money magick.

Spruce: Like Pine it is perfect for Yule / Winter Solstice Workings. For Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, & Money magick. Also popular in Shamanism.



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