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The Thesaurus, the spellcasters tool of tools…

Let’s face it whether we’re going to write out a spell or some fantastic ritual or ceremony, we have all imagined its beautiful words just slipping off our tongues as if divinely inspired. In reality, sometimes, the words just won’t come, …we’re blocked,…our muse is on hiatus.

Don’t despair, the thesaurus is there! Or it should be. One of our most important tools in magickal writing is the thesaurus. Its pages contain a dozen or more words that mean the same thing as the one we just scribbled down on paper, except, oh so more poetic.

Most word processing programs on your computer have their own thesauruses but I have to proclaim that a paper, book form always does it for me. Feeling the paper on my fingertips, reading the words, smelling the musty scent of the well read pages puts me in a creative and highly spiritual state of being.

Not everyone is gifted with a lyrical mind; the thesaurus is a wonderful tool to expand our writing prowess, not to mention our vocabulary. Many group rituals tend to be lengthy and we need different ways of saying the same thing yet keep the worshippers’ attention and enjoyment of the rite.

A spell is far more effective if it sounds like music to your ears when reciting it. I mean having an eight line spell with the word bane or succeed 4 times in it is just well, boring. So open a thesaurus and discover a whole new lyrical way to banish a foe, ill, blight, curse, stain or disease. You’ll be writing a successful spell that will have you prospering, thriving, flourishing, attaining, succeeding and accomplishing in no time!


Image Copyright 2011 Ethereal

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